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Oficina do Samba

A forum for Bateria members, the Escola de Samba and enthusiasts alike to study regularly performed material -- Carnaval winning themes along with some of the "classic standards" from the Samba Enredo repetoire.

Salgueiro. Samba enredo Peguei um Ita no Norte. Escola de Samba Academicos do Salgueiro

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Explode coração / Na maior felicidade É lindo o meu Salgueiro / Contagiando, sacudindo essa cidade The heart explodes in the greatest happiness, My Salgueiro is beautiful, spreading out, shaking the city
Lá vou eu ... Me levo pelo mar da ilusão/ Sou mais um aventureiro rumo ao Rio de Janeiro Adeus Belém do Pará Um dia eu volto, meu pai Não chore pois vou sorrir Felicidade o velho ita vai partir There I go I am taken on the sea of ilusion One more adventurer On the path to Rio Goodbye B.d.P. (state capital in north, far from Rio) One day I'll return, Father Don't cry, because I'm going to smile Happiness ITA is leaving
Oh no balanço das ondas, eu vou No mar eu jogo a saudade ...Amor O tempo traz esperança e ansiedade Vou navegando em busca da felicidade I go on the swing of the surf I throw my longing into the sea, my love Time brings hope and anxiety I am sailing in search of happiness
Em cada porto que passo Eu vejo o retrato em fantasias Cultura, folclore e hábitos Com isso eu refaço minha alegria Chego ao Rio de Janeiro Terra do samba, da mulata e futebol Vou vivendo o dia-a-dia Embalado na magia do seu carnaval. In every port I pass I see the picture in the fantasias The culture, folklore, and customs With this I renew my happiness I arrive in Rio Land of samba, mulatas, and football I live my daily life Caught up in the magic of Rio's carnaval
Notes - "I.T.A." is the abbreviation of Industria de Transportes Associados,a big, state owned fleet of passenger and cargo ship that existed in Northern Brazil until the mid-60’s. All the boat names started as "ITA", followed by the actual name (eg. ITA-Salvador, ITA-Manaus,etc.) The Salgueiro title, actually mimics a famous music (1945) by Dorival Caymmi with the same title that says: "Peguei um ITA no norte, pra vim pro Rio morar, Adeus meu pai, minha mae. Adeus Belem do Para" (I boarded an ITA to go live in Rio. Goodbye mammy and daddy. Goodbye BdP)
You’re right the ItA word means a "polished stone ornament found in funeral urns of the ancient Indians" or more generally any stone. That’s why so many village names in Brazil start with Ita (eg. Itamonte, Itabira, Itapoa,etc) But in this case there is nothing to do with the ITA ships. The song refllects the experience of people who leave behind the economic hardships of life in the north of Brazil for a chance at a better existence in Rio.
Escola de Samba de Toronto. Rooted In The Brazilian Spirit.
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